Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tips for Permanent Weight Loss

Its easy to lose weight fast diets weight drop more commercial market contribute very quickly. However, this is not permanent weight loss, most dieters regain the weight within a few months. permanent weight loss comes only when there is a change in eating habits for the long term. A change that allows the body to burn excess fat permanently, after all that they do not become overweight within a few months it takes years.

Set your goals

You probably already have an idea of what would be your ideal weight, but have you thought about your waist circumference, waist-hip ratio or BMI? Your body mass index must be 25 or less (23 or less if they are Indians). Above 25 is considered overweight. To be in good health, women must take their lives to the circumference of 35 inches or less and the waist-hip ratio of 0.8 or less. Men should have a life of 40 inches or less and a waist-hip ratio of 0.95 or less. Striving to look like an underwear model is not a realistic goal for a lot of people. Achievements like these also encourage the rapid weight loss diets and the use of fools. Set realistic goals and make lifestyle changes to encourage the slow but steady weight loss, they are more likely to sustain in the long run.

Go for a gradual weight loss

To be safe, lasting weight loss, do not lose more than 1 kg (about 2 pounds) a week. The biggest disadvantage of rapid weight loss is that you're more likely to regain the weight. People who lose weight quickly programs typically rely on extreme exercise or very-low-calorie diets that are difficult to maintain for more than a few weeks. rapid weight loss also means the loss of fluids, which can be dangerous if you are in serious pursuit. Often, those who quickly lose a lot of rebound weight to a higher weight.

Reducing carbohydrate

The consumption of high-GL (glycemic load) carbohydrates leads to a desire for more carbohydrates. Eating a low-carb, low-GL diet will help control appetite and cravings decrease. You'll feel full earlier, is much easier to stop eating once you are satisfied, and you'll be less hungry between meals. If you are trying to lose weight, you should keep your total carbohydrate less than a sixth of the calories and carbohydrates eliminated all high-GL foods such as sugar, pasta and bread.

Use the benefits of protein

Protein has been shown to have beneficial appetite suppression. Eating a bit 'of high quality protein for each main meal can help curb your appetite and suppress cravings. Protein is also essential to maintain lean muscle mass for optimum metabolic rate.
Make Fiber Your Friend

Fiber is extremely important when it comes to weight. There are three reasons for this:

1. high-fiber foods generally require more chewing time, which means you will eat more slowly and probably eat less.
2. They take longer to digest, which means more time will pass before you feel hungry again.
3. Put fiber in the stomach is like eating a sponge, absorbs the surrounding water, making you feel fuller. Strive for 25-35 grams of fiber each day.

A good start for the day was a cup of high fiber cereal with a banana or yogurt. If there is no time in the morning then a healthy cereal bar would be better than nothing. Its so hard to achieve permanent weight loss when breakfast is never part of the plan to eat every day!

A piece of fruit in the morning and afternoon helps to keep blood sugar levels under control, this can also help to limit the pain of hunger, especially if the fruit is eaten 30 minutes before a meal. Fruits contain very few calories so its ability to preferred snacks of fruit throughout the day.
Portion Control

For permanent weight loss because of its important portion control at every meal. Three roast potatoes, meat larger than a deck of cards or a plate of pasta is the size of the portions are too large. If you are suffering from disabling pain and hunger to bring in a big bowl of salad or vegetables first. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before serving dinner can also help.

Drink more water

One of the best weight loss secrets is the ditch soft sugary drinks and stick to water! Experts say you should drink about eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and healthy. Instead of resorting to beverages high in sugar or calorie load, grab a glass of water. In addition to flushing toxins from your system, drinking water encourages you to build muscle.
Eat more meals

A traditional plan with three meals a day, just does not cut it if you're in the market to burn fat. Your body is not able to metabolize large meals and quickly turn any excess into fat. Many experts believe you should eat six small meals a day. Make sure you reduce your consumption of food at each meal, otherwise you will be doubling the intake and the doubling of storage fat!

Physical activity is essential for weight loss

This is nothing new, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether you succeed in the long-term weight loss and loss of weight maintenance. In order to exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five minutes 30 sessions per week.
Cross train for great results

An ideal method of training to add variety to your cardio routine is to use cross training. cross training allows you to switch between the multiple forms of exercise in one session. In this way, the fun routine and burn calories even more by adding more styles of intense cardio exercises.

Stay motivated and keep track

short-term goals usually do not work as well as goals such as wanting to feel safer and healthier for the sake of your children. Keep a food diary and weigh yourself regularly. Find and use tools that help to keep motivated. Stay focused: When the frustration and the temptation to strike, focus on the many benefits it collects to be healthy and thinner.

rapid weight loss 'Do diets'

These diets that promise rapid weight loss should be avoided. Initially, they give you tips for rapid weight loss, but in the long term are very difficult to follow. Often these diets are very demanding and does not provide necessary nutrients to the body. Diets that promise quick weight loss, suggesting that some foods 'can burn fat fast,' usually promote one or two foods, have many rules on how to eat and global sounds too good to be true.

Award Winners

When it comes to diet successfully to burn more fat, be sure to reward yourself. Everyone has temptations and favorite treat - allow indulgenza.Sarete less likely to cheat on your diet again if you allow small premiums. If you are a chocolate lover, treat yourself to a small square of chocolate every night.

Are you ready for weight loss, but fear you'll quickly get discouraged, think of the future. As you become more physically active and make dietary changes, you will feel better and have more energy. And rather than thinking of weight loss as a thankless job in the short term, seen as a nice, permanent lifestyle change.

IMPORTANT: This is a machine translated page which is provided "as is" without warranty. Machine translation may be difficult to understand. Please refer to original English article whenever possible.


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